Friday, April 16, 2021


 Yesterday I went to have my annual gynecologic exam and Pap smear.  Certainly not in my top 10 of choice activities but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I'm always fascinated by how awkward the visit tends to be.  You would think that after years of doing this that the medical staff would be kind of chill about the whole thing.  But in my experience there is usually a distinct uneasiness in the room.

It begins with how the staff talks about the procedure.  "I know you'd rather be doing anything other than this, so let's get you done and out of here."  Then it morphs into joking.  "Scoot down on the table.  When you feel like you're about to fall off of it, you're at the right spot."  During the exam is the worst.  The doctor is doing her (his) best to engage in casual conversation to try and relay a sense of normalcy while adjusting the "probey" thing between your legs and feeling around in your nether regions.  "So, tell me, are your kids doing in-person or virtual schooling?"  Meanwhile I'm staring up at the fluorescent light bulb wishing they at least had the cat poster on the ceiling that says, 'Hang in there-it will get better' for my amusement.

When it comes down to it, I know that the exam & Pap are important tools to determine my well-being.  It's just amusing to me how awkward the whole ordeal can be even as adults.

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